
arm crossing中文是什么意思

  • 两臂交叉



  • 例句与用法
  • Tynan lay back in his swivel chair, arms crossed on his barrel chest, eyes set on the ceiling .
  • Place the thermometer in the armpit with arms crossed over the chest
  • Arms cross behind position
  • Do not do the arm cross
  • Don ' t do the arm cross
  • Stooping down beside him , the road - mender tried to get a peep at secret weapons in his breast or where not ; but , in vain , for he slept with his arms crossed upon him , and set as resolutely as his lips
  • Silver leant back against the wall , his arms crossed , his pipe in the corner of his mouth , as calm as though he had been in church ; yet his eye kept wandering furtively , and he kept the tail of it on his unruly followers
  • They went on to lew - everard , where they had summut to drink , and then on they vamped to dree - armed cross , and there they seemed to have parted , retty striking across the water - meads as if for home , and marian going on to the next village , where there s another public - house
  • He returned thus , formidable and implacable , advancing with his arms crossed on his breast , towards the general , who could not understand why he had disappeared , but who on seeing him again , and feeling his teeth chatter and his legs sink under him , drew back , and only stopped when he found a table to support his clinched hand
  • No , my complete master ; but to jig off a tune at the tongue > s end , canary to it with your feet , humour it with turning up your eyelids , sigh a note and sing a note , sometime through the throat , as if you swallowed love with singing love , sometime through the nose , as if you snuff > d up love by smelling love , with your hat penthouse - like o > er the shop of your eyes , with your arms cross > d on your thin - belly doublet , like a rabbit on a spit , or your hands in your pocket , like a man after the old painting ; and keep not too long in one tune , but a snip and away
  • 推荐英语阅读
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