crossing n. 1.交叉,相交;横切,横断;横越,横渡。 2.交叉点;十字街口;人行横道;(河的)渡口,(铁路的)闸口,平交道。 3.〔古语〕阻碍,挫折。 4.划十字;划线。 5.【生物学】杂交。 6.(横加)阻挠。 have a good [rough] crossing风平浪静[风浪险恶]的渡航。 a grade crossing 〔美国〕= a level crossing 〔英国〕平面交叉。 a street [footway] crossing 人行横道。 zebra crossing 斑马线。
arm n. 1.臂,【动物;动物学】前肢。 2.【机械工程】(轮)辐;【电学】线担,支路,支架。 3.臂状物;衣袖;电唱头臂;(椅子)扶手。 4.树枝,枝干。 5.港湾,海湾。 6.力,权力。 7.【棒球】投球能力。 the right arm 右臂;得力的助手。 Justice has long arms. 天网恢恢,疏而不漏。 an arm of the sea 海湾,河口。 the arm of the government 政府的分支机构。 the strong arm of the law 法律的威力。 the arm of a record player 唱机的唱头臂。 lose one's arm 【棒球】失去投球能力。 arm in arm 臂挽着臂。 by the strong arm 强制地。 chance one's arm 〔英口〕冒险一试。 child in arms 怀抱中的婴儿。 cost (sb.) an arm and a leg 〔俚语〕使付出一大笔钱。 give one's arm 伸手臂给(同行女人挽);〔比喻〕提携。 in the arms of Morpheus 进入梦乡。 keep (sb.) at arm's length 疏远,不使接近。 make a long arm 伸臂(攫取)。 offer one's arm = give one's arm. put the arm on sb. 向某人讨钱;抢劫某人。 take (sb.'s) arms 拉伸出之臂。 take (a child) in one's arms 抱(孩子)。 talk sb.'s arm off 〔俚语〕对某人唠叨个没完。 the arm of flesh 人力,人的努力。 twist sb.'s arm 倒扭某人手臂;向某人施加压力。 throw one's arms around another's neck 搂住脖子。 under the arm 挟在腋下。 with folded arms 两臂交叉于胸前 (look on with folded arms 袖手旁观)。 within arm's reach 在左右,近在咫尺。 with open arms 伸开双手,真心诚意地(欢迎)。 would give one's right arm for 〔口语〕愿意为…付出巨大代价。 n. 1.〔pl., 罕 sing.〕 军械,武器。 2.〔比喻〕军事。 3.(步、骑等的)兵种。 4.(盾、旗等上的)纹章。 a man at arms 战士。 a passage of [at] arms 比武,两人对打。 a stand of arms (一名士兵的)全副武装。 deed of arms 战功。 force of arms 武力,兵力。 small arms 轻兵器(指手枪、步枪、机枪等)。 the suspension of arms 休战。 appeal to arms 诉诸武力。 bear arms 服兵役。 bred to arms 自幼习武。 by arm 用武力。 carry arms 携带武器;服兵役。 go to arms 诉诸武力。 lay down arms 缴械;投降。 Order arms! 枪放下! Pile arms! 架枪! Present arms! 举枪(敬礼)! rest on one's arms (战斗中的)暂时休息。 rise in arms 动武,起兵。 Shoulder arms! 枪上肩! take up arms 拿起武器。 To arms! 快拿武器!准备战斗! turn one's arms against 攻击。 under arms 1. 备战。 2. 在服兵役期间。 up in arms 武装反抗。 vt. 1.供给…武器,武装(军队等)。 2.供给;发给 (with)。 3.打开(雷等)的保险;给…装上导火线。 4.给…装甲。 an armed mediation 武装调解。 I armed my men with guns. 我发枪给部下。 be armed at all points 全身武装,周身披甲;戒备严密。 be armed to the teeth 全副武装,武装到牙齿。 be armed with 用…武装着;装备着。 be armed with a letter of introduction 带着介绍信。 vi. 拿起武器,武装起来。
Tynan lay back in his swivel chair, arms crossed on his barrel chest, eyes set on the ceiling . 泰纳恩仰靠着转椅背,双臂交叉在宽阔的胸前,眼睛盯着天花板。
Place the thermometer in the armpit with arms crossed over the chest 将温度计放在腋窝里面,用胳肢窝夹住它。
Arms cross behind position 舞伴双手背后交叉牵
Do not do the arm cross 别叉着双臂
Don ' t do the arm cross 别叉着双臂
Stooping down beside him , the road - mender tried to get a peep at secret weapons in his breast or where not ; but , in vain , for he slept with his arms crossed upon him , and set as resolutely as his lips 补路工弯下腰想看看他掖在胸口或其它地方的秘密武器,但是没看见,因为他睡觉时双臂合抱在胸前,捂得紧紧的,很像他那根紧的双唇。
Silver leant back against the wall , his arms crossed , his pipe in the corner of his mouth , as calm as though he had been in church ; yet his eye kept wandering furtively , and he kept the tail of it on his unruly followers 西尔弗双手交叉倚墙而坐,烟斗斜叼在嘴角上,像在教堂里一样平静。然而两只眼睛却滴溜溜地乱转,眼梢始终监视着那帮不顺从的家伙。
They went on to lew - everard , where they had summut to drink , and then on they vamped to dree - armed cross , and there they seemed to have parted , retty striking across the water - meads as if for home , and marian going on to the next village , where there s another public - house 她们先是到了刘艾维拉德酒馆,喝了一气的酒,然后她们就走到那个三岔路口,似乎是在那儿分的手,莱蒂就从水草地里穿过去,仿佛是要回家,玛丽安是到下一个村庄去,那儿还有一家酒店。
He returned thus , formidable and implacable , advancing with his arms crossed on his breast , towards the general , who could not understand why he had disappeared , but who on seeing him again , and feeling his teeth chatter and his legs sink under him , drew back , and only stopped when he found a table to support his clinched hand 他就这样回来,把双手叉在胸前,带着仇深似海的表情气势汹汹地向将军走过去。将军最初不懂他为什么忽然不见,但当再见到他的时候,他的全身发起抖来,他的腿软了下去,他步步后退,直到找到一张桌子支撑住身体才停住。
No , my complete master ; but to jig off a tune at the tongue > s end , canary to it with your feet , humour it with turning up your eyelids , sigh a note and sing a note , sometime through the throat , as if you swallowed love with singing love , sometime through the nose , as if you snuff > d up love by smelling love , with your hat penthouse - like o > er the shop of your eyes , with your arms cross > d on your thin - belly doublet , like a rabbit on a spit , or your hands in your pocket , like a man after the old painting ; and keep not too long in one tune , but a snip and away 不,我的好主人;我的意思是说,从舌尖上溜出一支歌来,用您的脚和着它跳舞,翻起您的眼皮,唱一个音符叹息一个音符;有时候从您的喉咙里滚出来,好像您一边歌唱爱情,一边要把它吞下去似的;有时候从您的鼻孔里哼出来,好像您在嗅寻爱情的踪迹,要把它吸进去似的;您的帽檐斜罩住眼睛;您的手臂交叉在胸前,像一只炙叉上的兔子;或者把您的手插在口袋里,就像古画上的人像一般;也不要老是唱着一支曲子,唱几句就要换个曲子。